Pneumatic Elevators: Becoming Popular for Residential Use

At present time in US, the elevator sales ranges between 40,000 and 45,000 units per year. You will be surprised to know that, around 10 years ago the story was different as the sales were only 15,000 units per year. Nowadays, more than 50 percent of the elevator sales stats in US the next five to seven years.

·         Hydraulic lift: These lifts operate by a pump and cylinder from below

·         Winding drum: These lifts work from above through pulleys, gears, and counterweights

·         Traction drive: These lifts also operate from above through pulleys, gears, and counterweights

·         Pneumatic Lift: A pneumatic lift works through air regulation by a valve on top of the hoist way

3 best reasons to Install Pneumatic Elevators at your home

Affordable: Pneumatic elevators are very affordable as compared to other home elevators. The best part is that they do not need a machine room which ultimately reduces the construction costs. They can be easily installed in your home. Also, their cylindrical design allows them to be installed anywhere in the home, giving an aesthetic look.

Independence: Yes independence factor that these elevators provide cannot be ignored. Individuals with physical disability can feel independent as they become able to access the whole house whenever they want.

Energy Efficient: Other great reason to install pneumatic elevators in your home is that they consume minimal energy. These elevators use vacuum technology. When the elevator goes down, almost no energy is consumed.


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