
Showing posts from October, 2012

Expanded Polystyrene Products - The Closest Thing to 100% Natural

Expanded polystyrene products are made of raw materials that are entirely recyclable as well as biodegradable. EPS is what we generally refer to as foam. Foam means to expand. Expanded polystyrene is basically 98% air and the remaining is polystyrene plastic which is a hydrocarbon. There are several forms of foams that enlarge to more than 50% of its original size when reacted with a blowing agent (usually a gas such as pentane or butane). Depending on the base plastic and the blowing agent, foams are classified into different categories and EPS or expanded polystyrene products are one of them. How Expanded Polystyrene is Created? Polystyrene begins its journey rather humbly. Styrene is a liquid, which is immiscible with water. Water and styrene are mixed in a 2:1 ratio and agitated severely to produce very small and lightweight beads. These beads are produced in large mega gallon reactors. The beads are then transferred to foam producing factories where they undergo the proc

Financing Tips - Stairlifts Maryland

Physically challenged people do not own stair lifts or any such special mobility aid because often they cannot afford to buy them. We have observed that people who need stairlifts Maryland installed in their residences depend on government aid so they cannot afford to buy these. Apart from the costs of the stair lifts, installation and maintenance costs make things harder.  Despite easy availability of mobility aids, people often cannot buy these items because they are way out of their financial reach. The hardest part is often the financing part. However, more and more organizations and groups are coming up that are helping the needy get what they need. We do believe that there are enough good Samaritans who will help you get that stairlift Maryland you have been wishing. Talk to your stairlifts Maryland manufacturer for more easy financing options. Stairlifts Maryland If you are wondering what we are trying to achieve with this article, well, we want to help you get