
Showing posts from August, 2013

Good News For Water Lovers in Wheelchairs – Pool Lifts Maryland

Disabilities should not keep anyone from enjoying the delights of having a refreshing swim when the mercury soars above the normal limit in summers. Swimming is not only about feeling good, it actually does a lot of good to someone who spends most of his or her time in a wheelchair. Physicians and doctors have always been advising people to participate in active sports, but to someone who cannot think about walking a few steps without support, swimming seems an idea too farfetched no matter how much they want to jump into the pool and take a swim! What seemed like a dream for a wheelchair user not too long ago is now a possibility; all thanks to pool lifts Maryland. Pool lifts Maryland are simple tools that are hung overhead pools above the swimming area with which a handicapped person can be lifted out of water and put back with ease. We will explain the detailed working of pool lifts in a little while, but now let us talk a little about all the different type of people who