Dumbwaiters in Maryland : An Overview

What are Dumbwaiters?

Dumbwaiters are lifts which are used to connect two floors. They are basically used for carrying food or goods from one floor to another. They are a type of portable serving stands and are found in restaurants and private homes.  Dumbwaiter consists of shafts, ropes and pulleys. On the other hand, a modern dumbwaiter includes electric motors like a smaller scale passenger elevator. These lifts are of great use for elderly and the people with disabilities. When you are out of the house, the elderly and disabled at your home can do their work safely and conveniently by utilizing these lifts.


When the terminology “Dumbwaiters” began to widespread, number of questions raised. The reason behind the origin of this terminology was that the product was first used in large houses that had their kitchens in the basements and was the useful lift to the upstairs dining room. It was a way of having an own silent waiter which is not seen or heard. Dumb waiters were often accompanied by a speaking tube next to them, which enabled waiters to talk to chefs. In 1957 Harold Pinter used the terminology by writing the famous play ‘The Dumb Waiter’, which has been performed all over the world. The play took place in a basement kitchen with the dumb waiter center-stage. The play celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2007 with a production in London so the term dumbwaiter was all over the headlines. Dumbwaiters have progressed through the years. Today’s models of dumbwaiters are electrically driven and assisted by controlled lifts supplied in their own structure. Also, they add aesthetic value to the interior design of a restaurant.

Dumbwaiter's Design, Features & Installation 

It's great to know that modern dumbwaiters can be made with any dimensions you wish for and can be built to carry heavy loads. The new models have safety features like child-proofing, thermal sensors, magnetic door switches that prevent the device from moving when a door is left open. The modern dumbwaiter is far more effective, efficient, and safer than the older ones. Although the modern dumbwaiters are simple in design but they also require specialized installation. As Dumbwaiter installations focus on retrofitting the device rather than designing a floor plan, thus special care needs to be taken care in order to ensure smooth operation. In case, if you are looking to install the dumbwaiter at your restaurant or home, make sure that you take the help of a professional.


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