Overhead Lifts Pennsylvania - Caring For the Patient and the Caregiver

Ceiling mounted overhead lifts Pennsylvania are motor operated machines that help raise and lower patients from their beds, bathrooms, toilets and other places within their house without much help from caregivers who sustain severe spine injuries while assisting heavy patients.
Overhead Lifts Pennsylvania

Research shows that an average nurse carries over a ton of weight daily. Such excruciating work is detrimental to their health and causes unbearable pain in their lower backs over time. A general misconception among caregivers is that younger nurses can handle more weight than older nurses, hence they should be asked to assist heavy patients with their daily activities. In reality, a young nurse is equally exposed to the hazards of a profession related injury as a builder or foreman who has to carry heavy equipment and handle bulky machineries.

Overhead lifts Pennsylvania are not expensive of one compares the cost benefits of purchasing a patient lift and the money spent on medical attention for the caregiver! Often, the problem manifolds when patients refuse to cooperate or when they are too heavy for one caregiver to handle. Although caregivers are trained in patient handling there have been rare cases when unfortunate patients have been dropped onto the floor, exaggerating problems for the patient in the process!

Installing Overhead Lifts Pennsylvania

Not all overhead ceilings are same. Patients get to choose between one rail, two rails as well as multiple rail systems. Some patients might need assistance moving from their beds to the bathroom or toilet on wheelchairs, others may be physically able to ambulate a little on their own. Depending on the condition of the patient, the lift can be chosen.

The most ideal option is to pick an overhead lift Pennsylvania that runs on multiple tracks and is remote controllable. Also called direct tracking system, these overhead patient lifts extend throughout the house, allowing the patient to move freely from the bedroom to the lavatory conveniently. Once installed, overhead lifts Pennsylvania eliminates the risk associated with lifting heavy patients and allows caregivers to do their job efficiently.


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